Monday, November 30, 2020

Nature Through Matematics

        In Mathematics there are an infinity of strings of numbers, which are based on a formula, based on which the elements of the string are generated. For example the sequence of prime numbers: '2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67,… 97, 101 , 103,… 2n + 1,… 2n + 1 ”consists of numbers that are divided exactly by 1 and by themselves. Or the sequence of numbers seems natural: "2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22… n" whose elements are divided exactly into two (n = 2p). Or the sequence of numbers consisting of the powers of 3: "3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729, 2187" which can also be written "31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 ... ".

    Pine / fir cones Fibonacci similarly, the seeds on a cone are arranged in a spiral pattern. Each cone consists of a pair of spirals, each twisting upwards and in opposite directions. The number of steps will almost always match a pair of consecutive Fibonacci numbers. For example, a 3-5 cone is one on which the spirals will meet backwa
rds after three steps on the left spiral and 5 steps on the right.

Not surprisingly, spiral galaxies also follow the familiar Fibonacci pattern. The Milky Way has several spiral arms, each of which is a logarithmic spiral of about 12 degrees. As an interesting side note, spiral galaxies seem to defy the laws of Newtonian physics. As early as 1925, astronomers realized that because the angular velocity of rotation of the galactic disk varies with distance from the center, the radial arms should become curved as the galaxy rotates. Later, after a few rotations, the spiral arms should wrap around a galaxy. But they don't - hence the so-called winding problem. The outer stars, it seems, move at a faster speed than expected - a unique feature of the cosmos that allows it to retain its shape.

The Hurricane

Teodor E/Emilia G/Natalia N/ Scoala Gimnaziala "Mircea cel Batran"/Pitesti/ Romania

Sunday, November 22, 2020




First, I will tell you an illusion that attracts attention and will amaze people around you. First, pass the 6 tables you see below onto a piece of paper or cardboard. Then tell a friend to keep a number between 1 and 63. By showing the following cards one by one ask which cards they have. When he shows the last card, immediately know the number he is holding.

The secret is below…..




The secret is: The number that is kept, the total of the first numbers (upper left corner) of the cards, if any,is the number that is kept. E.g:

Let the number held be 38. Which cards do you have? Turquoise, green and dark blue ones. Well these cards

What are the first numbers?:


Turquoise: 2

Green: 4

Dark Blue: 32


sums: 2 + 4 + 32 = 38


You can add a little more mystery to your number:

The first numbers are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, as you notice. (The power of 2, or each number is two of the previous  solid). As you know this, as long as you do not confuse the order of the cards, you can keep looking at the can know the number. (This is the "big secret" that some of my friends insist on learning :)))


This is actually not magic, it's all about mathematics. You can get a positive natural number you want with the sums of 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 ......  numbers.   

Zeynep Nur / Savaş UYGUN / Aksu 15 Temmuz Şehitler Anatolian High Scholl / Giresun / Turkey

Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Unsolvable Math Problem

A student mistook examples of unsolved statistics problems for a homework assignment and solved them.

A legend about the “unsolvable math problem” combines one of the ultimate academic wish-fulfillment student not only proves himself the smartest one in his class, but also bests his professor and every other scholar in his field of study — with a “positive thinking” motif which turns up in other urban legends: when people are free to pursue goals unfettered by presumed limitations on what they can accomplish, they just may manage some extraordinary feats through the combined application of native talent and hard work:


A young college student was working hard in an upper-level math course, for fear that he would be unable to pass. On the night before the final, he studied so long that he overslept the morning of the test.

When he ran into the classroom several minutes late, he found three equations written on the blackboard. The first two went rather easily, but the third one seemed impossible. He worked frantically on it until — just ten minutes short of the deadline — he found a method that worked, and he finished the problems just as time was called.

The student turned in his test paper and left. That evening he received a phone call from his professor. “Do you realize what you did on the test today?” he shouted at the student.

“Oh, no,” thought the student. I must not have gotten the problems right after all.

“You were only supposed to do the first two problems,” the professor explained. “That last one was an example of an equation that mathematicians since Einstein have been trying to solve without success. I discussed it with the class before starting the test. And you just solved it!”

Years later, Dantzig said, "If someone had told me that they were two famous, unsolved problems, I guess I wouldn't even try to solve them."

Hello guys, this was the story we wanted to tell you. What does Dantzig's words say years later mean to you?

Polat bs/Salihli İmkb Vocational and Technical Anatolian Highschool

Sunday, November 8, 2020



    In a past time one of the sultans asked his vizier to make the best  10 jewelers of the country make ten grams of coins.The vizier  distributed   the tasks very meticulously and ordered them to bring the coins to the Sultan’s place on the determined date.But one of the jewelers had made the coins from 9 grams and when the Sultan heard this news he got angry with his Vizier. He told his Vizier that if the vizier found the cheater using only one weighing operation he would forgive his  life. What kind of weighing operation can help the vizier to be forgiven.

The vizier gives each jeweler a number from 1 to 10 and receives the number of coin from the coins brought by the jewelers.
One coin from the first jeweler’s bag.                                           
Two coins  from the second  jeweler’s bag.     
Three coins from the third  jeweler’s bag.
Ten coins from the tenth jeweler’s bag.
 He weighs all the coins one time.Without any cheating 1+2+3+………….+10 =55 coins that each one is 10 gram should weigh 550 gram.

If it weighs 549 gram the first jeweler is the cheater.
If it weighs 548 gram the second jeweler is the cheater.
If it weighs 547 gram the third jeweler is the cheater.
If it weighs 540 gram the tenth jeweler is the cheater.
Thus , the vizier finds the tricker jeweler at once. /Salihli Necip Fazıl Kısakürek Social Sciencies Hıgh School/Seçil Bilgin